Free Book Helps Turn Sales From 'Random Events' Into A Predictable Engine That Fuels Your Business

Discover the intuitive sales guide for service businesses, agencies, and freelancers to close more client deals, while generating higher profit margins, even if you hate sales...


Inside Your Free Copy You Will Discover How To:

• Develop a set of offers that work for you, so sales turn from random events to a predictable engine that fuels your business.

• Maintain and nurture relationships with clients so they find the budget to purchase your high-value services when the time comes.

• Use a prescriptive approach to guide sales, so your offers differentiate you from the crowd of commodity providers.

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Digital Access Pass Want a massive 80% OFF one of our best selling digital bundles?

This exclusive workshop recording reveals the counter-intuitive framework I use to make clients 229% more likely to purchase your most valuable offers within the first month ...so you can increase your customer lifetime value and close more deals with your service stack..

Plus You also get instant access to the Digital Book and Audio Book versions of Service Stacking so you can start reading/listening right away!

Check YES above to add this special offer to your order now for just $97 $37. (Not available anywhere else).


Inside Your Free Copy You Will Discover How To:

• Develop a set of offers that work for you, so sales turn from random events to a predictable engine that fuels your business.

• Maintain and nurture relationships with clients so they find the budget to purchase your high-value services when the time comes.

• Use a prescriptive approach to guide sales, so your offers differentiate you from the crowd of commodity providers.

"I just sold an important project today by using your Service Stacking method. So far I am pumped about the program and grateful to have been in your orbit and to have decided to sign up with you. Thanks for the inspiration and being an amazing cheerleader."

Nicole Harrison

CEO, Founder SocialNicole Agency

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation.

Full Name

Strategic Online Marketing Specialist

"I won a monthly retainer agreement worth $60,000 using the Service Stacking approach I learned from him. If you are a marketing agency, freelancer, or business owner, and you are serious about getting paid for your skills, Jeff will help you get there."

Kurien Abraham

CEO, Digital Strategist & Consultant

Sales Success Isn't About Some Wolf of Wall Street Sales Tactic...

Are you feeling tired of cold calling, high-pressure tactics, or spending every waking hour posting on social media, only to land conversations with tire kickers who aren't worthy of your attention?

Fed up of struggling to sell yourself in a way that feels natural and authentic?

So busy helping your clients and mastering your craft that sales is always an afterthought? Who has time for sales, anyway, right? 

But mastering sales for your service business is not necessarily about landing the big whale clients and dialing for dollars, it’s about knowing exactly what to offer your prospects, so they say "yes" to your services, then turning small projects into bigger projects that make you the go-to provider in your space by creating a category of one.

Service stacking shows you how...

As of 02/08/2025 we have limited physical copies remaining.

What Real People Are Saying About Service Stacking...

"I just sold an important project today by using your Service Stacking method. So far I am pumped about the program and grateful to have been in your orbit and to have decided to sign up with you. Thanks for the inspiration and being an amazing cheerleader."

Nicole Harrison

CEO, Founder SocialNicole Agency

"Guys… I just heard good news. I just closed the biggest deal ever. I used Jeff's Service Stacking approach to sales with a client, and they took the biggest offer, which will help us scale massively next year. Just wanted to share this big result with you guys!"

Arjan Griffioen

Strategic Online Marketing Specialist

"I’ve been on my own for a year and already surpassed my own expectations despite a down economy. One valuable lesson I learned from Jeff Sauer's Service Stacking sales approach is 'Time to First Win', one of the most crucial goals for every new relationship."

Logan Bryant

SEO Consultant, B2B SaaS Brand

Here's A Sneak Peek At Some Of The Insights And Strategies You'll Find Inside The Book…

  • Discover the SECRET "Service Stacking" framework that allowed a struggling agency to go from $800K to $7.2 MILLION in just 5 years.

  • Avoid the #1 pitfall of low-risk offers that fail to lead to bigger projects by strategically structuring your offer to deliver wins that naturally guide clients to your next service, seamlessly "landing and expanding" for ongoing success.

  • Stop playing "order taker" and start PRESCRIBING SOLUTIONS that give clients what they truly want (whether they realize it or not).

  • Uncover the simple "QuESST" process to structure offers that eliminate "think-it-overs" and get an instant "HELL YES!"

  • See how one training led to signing a $10K/MONTH RETAINER with a multi-billion dollar corporation in under 6 months.

  • Learn the "pivot strategy" that allowed us to start small with one client then SCALE TO $150K/YR.

  • Get the roadmap to create SEMI-CUSTOM SERVICES you can rinse and repeat for consistent profits.

  • No more random "quick hits" - build a SALES PIPELINE ON AUTOPILOT that grows your revenue month over month.

  • From freelancer to MULTI-MILLIONAIRE - discover the system Jeff used to create ultimate FREEDOM.

  • Harness the power of Service Stacking™ to effortlessly upsell your clients from your low-risk offer to implementation and full-service packages, dramatically increasing your revenue per client without spending another dime on marketing.

  • Shift your mindset from freelancer to business owner as you implement these proven systems, enabling you to step out of the day-to-day operations while continuing to draw consistent cash flow and enjoy a more secure, sustainable path to success.

  • Stop overwhelming your prospects with too many choices! Give them a prescriptive solution that showcases your expertise and makes their decision easy.

  • And much, much more!

As of 02/08/2025 we have limited physical copies remaining.

Calling Agency Owners, Freelancers, and Service Business Owners...

If you're dreading every sales opportunity because it means "more work" when you already feel overworked and under-appreciated then you're not alone.

The good new is, it's a very simple fix.

You likely just don't have the correct offer structure to present to clients that's actually aligned with your long-term growth goals.

Service Stacking is a completely different approach to closing more sales for your business, and turning your sales opportunities into long-term and lucrative clients.

That's why I want to send you a copy for free! All you need to do is just fill out your information on this page and tell me where to send your free copy.

As of 02/08/2025 we have limited physical copies remaining.

Meet Jeff Sauer

After selling my digital marketing agency for 8-figures, and working with hundreds of service business owners over the past couple of years, I’ve discovered that in order to land the best long-term contracts with clients who pay you handsomely for years to come, you need to start small. Instead of trying to sell the kitchen sink, your first project together should be about minimizing their risk and giving them wins as quickly as possible without complicating and confusing them.

Claim Your FREE Copy Right Now And You'll Immediately Receive These FREE BONUSES

Bonus 1

Pricing First Estimate Builder

This powerful tool is designed to revolutionize the way you price your projects, ensuring that you always come out on top. By using the Pricing First Estimate Builder, you'll be able to easily build a margin into every deal, giving you the flexibility to be more competitive and affordable while still maintaining a high-profit margin.

The secret lies in the tool's ability to help you break down your work into smaller, manageable tasks. By doing so, you can accurately assess the time and resources required for each component of the project, allowing you to price your services with precision. This not only helps you avoid undervaluing your work but also ensures that you can deliver exceptional results to your clients without compromising your bottom line.

With the Pricing First Estimate Builder, you'll be able to confidently navigate the pricing landscape and win more projects by offering compelling and competitive quotes. Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your business and maximize your profits. Purchase our book now and unlock the power of the Pricing First Estimate Builder today!

Bonus 2

Sales Scorecard Template and AI Scorecard Training

Unlock the power of persuasion with our Sales Scorecard Template and AI Scorecard Training. This invaluable resource will revolutionize the way you approach prospecting, giving you the tools and knowledge you need to skyrocket your success.

The Sales Scorecard Template is a carefully crafted tool that allows you to systematically identify key areas where your prospective clients can improve. By using this template, you'll be able to pinpoint the specific challenges and opportunities that your clients face, creating a compelling case for why they need your expertise.

But that's not all – our AI Scorecard Training takes your sales skills to the next level. This cutting-edge training program leverages the power of artificial intelligence to help you analyze and optimize your sales approach. You'll learn how to use the Sales Scorecard Template to its fullest potential, identifying the most effective strategies for engaging with your clients and positioning your service stack as the ultimate solution.

Bonus 3

Service Stacking Companion Workbook

Elevate your learning experience with our Service Stacking Companion Workbook, the essential bonus that accompanies your purchase of our book. This workbook is the perfect complement to the book, providing you with a concise and easy-to-reference guide that will help you master the key concepts and put them into practice.

Inside the workbook, you'll find beautiful illustrations that bring the core ideas to life, making it easier for you to grasp and remember the material. The workbook also provides ample space for you to create your own plan of action, allowing you to personalize your learning journey and apply the concepts directly to your unique situation.

As of 02/08/2025 we have limited physical copies remaining.

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question isn't answered below, simply email [email protected] and someone on the team will get back to you within 24 business hours, but often much sooner.

Is the book really free?

The book is really free. I simply ask that you take care of shipping and handling, which costs on average $9.95. My team and I do not profit from the shipping and handling fee you cover.

How long does it take to receive my copy?

Depending on what time of day you purchase, your book will likely ship within 24 hours. The only exception may be Sundays and holidays. You should receive it within 2-10 days depending on where you are in the world.

Is this book available as an ebook so I can download it?

Yes! On the checkout page you'll have the option to upgrade your purchase to include the ebook version if you'd like to. You can download it to any device.

Why shouldn't I just buy it on Amazon and call it a day??

The book is not currently available on Amazon.

Why is the shipping higher than USPS shipping?

The fee includes shipping and handling. Handling fees are typically associated with labor, packaging costs, storage, transportation, etc.

After I purchase this book, what happens next?

After you purchase your copy of Service Stacking, you will immediately receive a confirmation email and your order will be processed. We will also share a few opportunities to work together more closely if it will help you achieve your goals.

Can I contact someone if I have a question about my order?

Yes! You can reach a member of our customer support team any time HERE. We'll get back to you within 24 business hours, if not sooner!

As of 02/08/2025 we have limited physical copies remaining.

This Is A Truly Limited Offer, So Claim Your FREE Copy Now Before They're All Gone...

In case you're one of those people who just skip to the end of the page, here's the deal...

I'm mailing you a physical copy of my book that reveals a completely different approach to closing more sales for your business, and turning your sales opportunities into long-term and lucrative clients.

If you do not dedicate yourself to mastering this skill, you will continue working for someone who did. This is your opportunity to forge a new future.

I'll pay for the book, all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost.

We've only printed a limited number of physical copies and it takes 4 weeks to re-order another batch. As our costs may change, we may no longer be able to offer the book in this format again so this is likely your only opportunity to get it now as part of this offer.

There is no "catch" and you will not be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that. I hate shenanigans and presume you do too.

Click the button below to get your FREE copy now.

And let me help you turn sales from random events into a predictable engine for you business.

As of 02/08/2025 we have limited physical copies remaining.

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